Dan's Pet Care

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Benefits of Working From Home with your Pet

The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed life as we know it.  Tough times like these typically call for changes and adjustments in all the facets of everyday life.  With non-essential employees across the world working from home, people have gotten used to dealing with this new normal.  Part of that new normal entails having your pet(s) around throughout the workday.  While this can be viewed as a distraction, there are plenty of good things that can come from it.  Here are some benefits of working from home with your pet close at hand.

Mental Health

The workday can be stressful on its own.  So can breaking a routine that you’ve grown accustomed too.  The good news is, the medicine is walking around your house, waiting to scoop up crumbs from your sandwich and give the mailman some sass.  According to the Human-Animal Bond Research Institute, working from home with a pet decreased the owner’s levels of stress and anxiety.  Beyond emotional support, being around your pet can even help lower your blood pressure.

The Mental Health Foundation says pets boost happiness and motivation.  On top of that, pets flat out leave you in a better mood.  Feeling good is an excellent way to guarantee a productive workday.

Pet Happiness

Your pet will reap most of the benefits of this situation.  Pets love being around their owners as much as possible.  So they must be thrilled at the idea of you not having go head out to the office every morning.  As owners, we are happy when our pets are happy.  Working from home grants you the opportunity to spend high-quality time with your pet throughout the day.  Your furry companion will be certainly thrilled having you around constantly, especially those with separation anxiety.

Increased Productivity

A study done by Virginia Commonwealth University concluded that having a pet present in the workplace can decrease stress and increase productivity.  The study was regarding bringing a dog to a tangible workplace, but the same rules apply for having a pet in your workspace at home.  If a conflict arises, pets could be just the stabilizer you need to remind you that everything is alright.  Low-stress environments are ideal for optimal productivity.

Quality Breaks

Despite the boost they can give to your productivity, they also provide an excellent outlet to take a break and digress.  These breaks can serve as a healthy distraction to recharge your batteries for the second half of the day.  Taking your pet out for walks, playing with them in the backyard, or just spending some time with them on the couch can clear your head and mentally replenish you.  Walks and backyard playtime can also help keep you in shape.  To keep both of you in routine, you can designate a certain time of the day for playtime with your animal companion.

The pandemic has forced employees around the world to make adjustments on the fly.  During these days where we have no choice but to work from home, having your pet by your side could be just what you need to keep you sane and productive.