Did you know an octopus has three hearts? ❤️🐙

Did you know that octopus have three hearts? That's right, three! Octopus are one of the most unique creatures in the animal kingdom and their three hearts are just one of the many things that make them so special.

Each heart has a specific job to do. One heart pumps blood to the octopus's gills, where it gets oxygenated. The second heart pumps blood to the octopus's body, and the third heart is responsible for pumping blood to the octopus's organs.

While most animals have a heart that is divided into two chambers, octopus hearts have three chambers. This means that the octopus's heart is more like a human heart than any other animal's heart.

The three hearts of an octopus are just one of the many reasons why these creatures are so amazing. Octopus are also incredibly intelligent, with some studies showing that they are as smart as a three-year-old human child.

So, if you’re lucky enough to see an octopus, remember that these creatures are not only unique, but they are also very smart and have three hearts!