The Nebelung is a rare, striking breed of cat that is known for its luxurious, silver-blue coat and its sweet, gentle personality. It is easy to recognize a Nebelung due to its long, silky fur, which is often described as “smoke-like” and is usually two shades of blue.
Norfolk Terrier
Norwich Terrier
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
The Ocicat is a medium-sized, active, and muscular cat breed that is known for its spotted coat. It has a short, smooth coat that is usually a mix of tawny, cinnamon, and fawn colors with dark spots scattered over its body. Its eyes are often a bright, vivid green or golden color, and its ears are large and pointed.
Old English Sheepdog
Olde English Bulldogge
Oriental Shorthair
The Oriental Shorthair is an elegant and graceful cat with a sleek, muscular body and lithe legs. With its distinctive, triangular-shaped head and almond-shaped eyes, it is a truly beautiful cat. Its short, silky coat comes in a variety of colors and patterns, including solid, tabby, and pointed, with a variety of eye colors.
Overnight Care
Overnight care is an important service for pet owners who can’t always be home with their animals. Overnight care provides a reliable and comfortable environment for your pet to stay in when you are away. It allows your pet to stay in their familiar environment, and provides them with the security and attention they need.
Parson Russell Terrier
Patterdale Terrier (Rough)
Patterdale Terrier (Smooth or Broken)
Pedigree is a term used to refer to the ancestry of a particular animal, usually a domesticated pet like a dog or cat. It is a term that is used to determine the lineage of an animal, and can be used to trace the bloodline of a particular breed. To create a pedigree, the animal’s genealogy must be traced back for several generations, typically at least four.